5.56 Target/Practice


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          Brass: Offered in new brass only.

          *IMPORTANT: Though both cartridges look identical, 5.56 is loaded to a higher pressure than .223, which is why rifles chambered for a 5.56 cartridge can fire .223, but it is not recommended that 5.56 cartridges are fired out of a rifle chambered for .223

          *Please note: a magnet will pick up metals used as binding agents for this projectile. THIS IS NOT STEEL and any indoor range with some degree of ammunition knowledge will recognize a frangible projectile immediately. However, there are some that will insist that anything magnetic IS steel and won't let you shoot it. Please make sure your range is on-board with frangibles before you purchase these.

          Bullet/ GrainApplicationVelocity/Test Barrel
          55gr FMJ BTtraining/practice, plinking3280, 24"
          62gr FMJtraining/practice, plinking3200, 24"